Saturday, October 23, 2021

Do-It-Yourself Sometime Works

 A little background first.

Filing a lawsuit usually means paying upfront court fees. There are exceptions, however, the most notable of which is when a person demonstrates poverty. In these cases, the fees may be waived if you file an IFP Application, IFP standing for in forma pauperis.

Juan Carlos Chavez successfully used this approach. So far, this isn’t particularly noteworthy. Juan’s problem was that he didn’t know the names of the people he was suing. That isn’t particularly noteworthy either. Lawyers typically sue “John Doe” until the identity of the defendants can be determined.

Juan clearly isn’t a practicing attorney, so he can be excused for not knowing the “John Doe” maneuver. So, he sued CAUSE YALL TOOK MY PHONE I DONT KNOW THEIR NAMES. Yes, the lawsuit is officially listed as Juan Carlos Chavez v. CAUSE YALL TOOK MY PHONE I DON’T KNOW THEIR NAMES.

Remember that the judge granted his motion to proceed without paying fees. The moral here is that if you are a truly genuine person with a legitimate claim, the courts will help you out. That’s the American judicial system at its best.

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